What Fish Can Live in a 3 Gallon Tank? A Complete Guide

A 3 gallon tank may seem small, but it can be an ideal home for several types of fish. With proper filtration, heating, aquascaping and fish selection, a 3 gallon tank can thrive. The key is to choose fish with a small adult size, peaceful temperament, and similar water parameter needs.

Proper tank maintenance is also crucial. Small tanks are less stable and water quality can deteriorate rapidly. Frequent water changes, testing water parameters, and not overstocking the tank are vital for health.

This article will cover ideal fish, tank setup, stocking, maintenance, and frequently asked questions about housing fish in a 3 gallon aquarium. With some knowledge and preparation, a 3 gallon tank can be an enjoyable and rewarding way to keep fish.

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Best Fish for a 3 Gallon Tank

Here are some of the top fish that can live happily and healthily in a 3 gallon tank:

Betta Fish

One of the most popular fish for small tanks is the betta fish. Also known as Siamese fighting fish, bettas prefer to live alone rather than with tankmates. Their long flowing fins make them adaptable to gentle water flow.

Male bettas are especially suited to 3 gallon tanks given their smaller 2.5 inch size. Females reach up to 2 inches. Choose among dozens of vivid betta types like veiltail, crowntail, halfmoon, and plakat.


Guppies remain small at 1-2 inches, breeding prolifically in captivity. Males in particular dazzle with colorful tails and spots. Avoid long finned varieties like delta and fantail which require more swimming space. Stick to 2-4 guppies in a 3 gallon.

Endler’s Livebearer

Closely related to guppies, endler’s livebearers max out around 1.5 inches. Males flaunt bright, exotic patterns while females show subtler hues. Endler’s are peaceful and bred for home aquariums. Start with 4-6 in a planted 3 gallon tank.

Dwarf Pufferfish

One of the few nano pufferfish, dwarf puffers reach just over an inch long. Despite small size, they have big personalities and can recognize their owners. They require live foods like bloodworms. Get just one dwarfpuffer for a 3 gallon tank.

Chili Rasbora

Tiny chili rasboras stay under an inch long, shoaling attractively in planted tanks. Their bright red colors stand out. A 3 gallon can house 6-8 chili rasboras. Provide plenty of vegetation and keep water clean.

Celestial Pearl Danio

Another petite fish, celestial pearl danios grow to just 0.6-0.8 inches. Peaceful and slow moving, they add stunning dark and cream stripes. A school of 6-8 danios suits a planted 3 gallon aquarium.

Pygmy Corydoras

For bottom dwelling fish, consider pygmy corydoras. These tiny catfish reach about an inch long and scavenge algae in groups. Their armored bodies and barbels give them a cute, whiskered look. Keep 6 or more pygmy cories in a 3 gallon.

Scarlet Badis

Badis badis fish are a lovely choice, showing bright red fins and an iridescent blue body. Males are most vibrant and grow under an inch long. They are shy, doing best with plenty of plants and retreats. Get 4-6 scarlet badis for a 3 gallon community.


Hardy ricefish originate from Asia, staying small and tolerating a range of conditions. Their petite size around 2 inches makes them ideal for nano tanks. Try a trio of males to see their red and blue colors. Heavily planted with neutral water suits them best.

Ember Tetra

A vivid nano tetra, ember tetras only reach about 1.2 inches long. Despite small stature they stand out with their glowing orange-red tones. Keep a group of 6-8 in a well maintained 3 gallon aquarium.

Gallon Tank Setup

While fish selection is critical, setting up the 3 gallon tank properly gives them the best chance to thrive. Follow these guidelines for setup:

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  • Glass or acrylic tank 3-5 gallons
  • Rectangular shape optimizes swimming space
  • Rimless open top tanks help oxygen exchange
  • Lid or cover prevents fish jumping out
  • Level tank on sturdy aquarium stand


  • HOB (hang on back) or internal filter for 3-5 gallon tanks
  • Adjustable flow rate under 100 GPH
  • Sponge, floss, ceramic media for beneficial bacteria
  • Heater if needed to maintain temperature


  • Fine gravel or sand bottom 1-1.5 inches deep
  • Bare bottom tanks if housing bettas
  • Natural sandy shades for small fish


  • Silk or live aquarium plants for cover
  • Small rock caves, river rock, driftwood
  • Floating plants reduce light level


  • Small 50W heater if tank not room temperature
  • Low flow air powered sponge filter
  • LED aquarium lighting with timer
  • Thermometer to monitor temperature
  • Water testing kit measures pH, ammonia, etc

Water Parameters

  • Temperature from 72-82°F depending on species
  • pH close to neutral around 7.0
  • KH 2-10 to buffer pH shifts
  • Low nitrates <20 ppm, 0 ammonia/nitrites
  • Weekly 10-30% water changes

Stocking a 3 Gallon Community Tank

When it comes to stocking fish in a 3 gallon tank, smaller is better. Follow these guidelines:

  • Select just 1 centerpiece fish like a betta or dwarf puffer
  • OR choose 5-8 nano schooling fish like tetras under 2 inches
  • Bottom dwellers should be tiny like pygmy corydoras
  • Avoid large fish, aggressive fish, fish needing groups
  • Only add peaceful community fish with similar requirements
  • Heavily plant the tank to break up territories
  • Quarantine new fish before adding to prevent disease
  • Introduce fish slowly over several weeks
  • Do not overstock the tank, understock instead

Here are some appropriate stocking ideas for a 3 gallon community tank:

  • 1 dwarf puffer OR 6-8 ember tetras
  • 1 male betta OR 6 chili rasboras
  • 8 pygmy corydoras OR 6 celestial pearl danios
  • 4 guppies OR 8 ricefish

Mix species carefully avoiding fin nippers with long-finned fish. Keep only one centerpiece fish like a betta, avoiding conspecifics which may fight. The key is starting with healthy juvenile fish, feeding a varied diet, and maintaining stable tank conditions.

Gallon Tank Maintenance

While nano tanks may be small, they require diligent care and maintenance to keep fish healthy. Here are some key guidelines:


  • Perform filter maintenance monthly
  • Rinse sponges in old tank water when dirty
  • Replace cartridges if needed, avoiding throwing out beneficial bacteria
  • Check water flow regularly to ensure adequate circulation

Water Changes

  • Weekly water changes of 10-30% are crucial
  • Use gravel vac to remove waste from substrate
  • Match temperature and water chemistry for changes
  • Use water conditioner to remove chlorine and heavy metals
  • Test ammonia, nitrites, nitrates regularly between changes

Tank Cleaning

  • Wipe down glass with aquarium sponge/algae scraper weekly
  • Remove uneaten food daily to avoid rotting
  • Prune fast growing plants to avoid overgrown tank
  • Sterilize decorations before adding to the tank


  • Observe fish daily for signs of stress, disease
  • Remove dead fish immediately to prevent spikes in parameters
  • Look for changes in behavior like clamped fins, gasping, lethargy
  • Respond promptly to issues to avoid cascading problems

With close monitoring and care, a 3 gallon community tank can remain a healthy habitat for nano fish to display natural behaviors.

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Gallon Aquarium FAQ

What size heater do I need for a 3 gallon tank?

A 25-50 watt submersible heater with a built-in thermostat works well for 3-5 gallon nano tanks. Use a heater guard for fish safety.

Is a filter required for a 3 gallon tank?

Yes, a small hang-on-back or internal corner filter is needed to cycle the tank and provide oxygenation. Sponge filters work as well in a nano tank.

How many fish can I put in a 3 gallon tank?

Limit stocking to just one centerpiece fish like a betta, or 5-8 tiny nano fish under 2 inches. Overstocking leads to poor water quality.

Do nano fish need air pumps?

Air pumps are not mandatory but can supplement oxygen levels. Use an air stone or sponge filter on a low pump setting to prevent strong currents.

Can guppies or tetras live in a 3 gallon aquarium?

Small guppies, endler’s livebearers, ember tetras, chili rasboras, and celestial pearls can thrive in a 3 gallon in proper schools of 5-8 fish. Avoid common tetras.

Is a 3 gallon tank easy to maintain?

No, small tanks require more frequent maintenance like weekly water changes. Test water to catch issues early. However, a 3 gallon tank is easier to transport and heat.

What fish grow well in a 3 gallon tank?

Bettas, guppies, dwarf pufferfish, small rasboras, pygmy cory cats, badis badis, ricefish, endler’s, ember tetras, and celestial pearls are suited to 3 gallon tanks.

Can a single betta fish live in a 3 gallon tank?

Yes, a single male or female betta makes an ideal inhabitant for a heated, filtered 3 gallon tank. Make sure to provide enrichment like plants and retreats.

Are snails okay in a 3 gallon aquarium?

Small snails like nerites can help clean algae but avoid common pond snails which reproduce quickly. Limit to 1 snail per gallon to prevent overstocking.


While nano tanks present some challenges, a properly setup and stocked 3 gallon aquarium can sustain healthy fish. Focus on selecting appropriate fish species and numbers for the tank size.

Provide essential filtration, oxygenation, and pristine water quality. Closely monitor parameters with frequent maintenance. With diligent care, a 3 gallon tank can be an engaging, rewarding aquarium project.


[1] https://smartaquariumguide.com/3-gallon-fish-tank-stocking-ideas/

[2] https://fishlab.com/stocking-3-gallon-tank/

[3] https://www.thesprucepets.com/thmb/oXRnq-6yzbamVcliu8MVuD05V0E=/1898×1424/smart/filters:no_upscale()/GettyImages-183724260-fd18ef2f083d4009b52c4128f49b1e35.jpg

[4] https://fishkeeper.co.uk/help-and-advice/beginners-and-general-articles/nano-fish-species-a-guide-to-the-best-for-small-aquariums/

[5] https://www.myaquariumclub.com/3-gallon-planted-tank-stocking-ideas-whats-your-favorite-3-gallon-setup-732312.html

FAQs about Housing Fish in a 3 Gallon Tank

Can I put a betta and other fish in a 3 gallon tank?

No, it is best to avoid tankmates in a 3 gallon to prevent stress and aggression. Male bettas prefer being the sole focus of a nano tank.

What fish can cohabitate with bettas in a 3 gallon aquarium?

Tankmates like snails, shrimp and other fish are not recommended for a 3 gallon. The limited space makes it difficult to provide adequate territories.

Can a 3 gallon tank support live plants?

Yes, small tanks can have lush live plants like anubias, java fern, moss, floating plants, and low light carpeting plants. Use plant weights and focus on slow growing varieties.

Is it better to have real or fake plants in a 3 gallon aquarium?

Live plants help filter water and provide areas for fish to explore and hide. But quality silk plants work too. Have at least several planted areas for territorial fish.

How often should I clean a 3 gallon fish tank?

Clean the glass weekly, siphon the gravel biweekly, and change 10-30% of the water weekly. Test water parameters in between changes and wipe down equipment. Avoid deep substrate disruption.:

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